Articles & Presentations

Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Aboriginal and Western sciences: pattern consciousness. Association of Science Teachers [Nova Scotia] Conference 2004 "SLIDE into Science, Literacy, Inquiry, Discovery, Educate". Halifax, NS, 22 October 2004.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Integrative Knowledge; sense of place, emergence, and participation (Keynote Presentation). Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) Workshop. Wagmatcook First Nation, NS, 8 October 2004.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Integrative Knowledge - sense of place, emergence, and participation: a keynote presentation about a new way of seeing to assist the CEPI process. Proceedings of: CEPI (Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative) Workshop, 8 October 2004, in Wagmatcook First Nation.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, "How Rabbit Got His Long Ears" and "How Bull Frog Was Conquered" puppet presentations of Mi'kmaq legends. Proceedings of: CEPI (Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative) Workshop, 8 October 2004, in Wagmatcook First Nation.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Integrative Science: "newness" for the 21st Century. Advisory Board, Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program. Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, 25 September 2004.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Integrative Science. "Realizing Indigenous Scholarship in the University" (roundtable discussion in conjunction with W. Cariou and M. Iwama). Annual Meeting of the Canadian Indigenous and Native Studies Association "Looking back in order to look forward", within the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Winnipeg, MB, 3-6 June 2004.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2004, Integrative Science. Elders' Advisory Board, Mi'kmawey Debert Cultural Project, Confederacy of Mainland Mi'maq. Millbrook, NS, 26 March 2004.
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Bartlett, C.M., Marshall, M, and Kavanagh, S. 2004, How Rabbit got his long ears. HorizonZero Issue 17(2): TELL: Aboriginal Story in Digital Media ( Banff New Media Institute and the gateway.
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Cormier, C., Kavanagh, B., Kavanagh, S., Lefort, N., and Bartlett, C. 2004, Re-creating beautiful landscape: Bullfrog's lesson; puppetry for Mi'kmaq legend "How Bullfrog was conquered". At: Imagine 2010; from hazardous sites to beautiful landscapes. NS Environmental Industry Association Conference and Trade Show. University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS, 1-2 October 2004.

Doucette, J., Bernard, B., Simon, M., Knockwood, C. 2004, The Medicine Wheel: health teachings and health research. 2nd Annual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium; Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 18 June 2004.
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Kavanagh, S., Lefort, N., and Bartlett, C. 2004, "Integrative Health and Healing": co-learning and community-based, participatory action research. Health Cape Breton, quarterly meeting. University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS, 4 May 2004.
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Kavanagh, S., Lefort, N., and Bartlett, C. 2004, The Bras d'Or Lakes and watershed: using Integrative Science to learn about "sense of place". The Blue Heron 8 (1): 6-10.
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Kavanagh, S., Lefort, N., and Bartlett, C. 2004, The stories that place tells. 8th Annual University College of Cape Breton Storytelling Symposium. Sydney, NS, 22 May 2004.
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MacDougall P., and Milburn, M.P. 2004, Using solar energy to treat microbiologically contaminated water: a multidisciplinary approach to public health and Aboriginal science education. Environmental Health Review Journal of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, 48 (2): 38-42.
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Marshall, A. 2004, Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Watershed Workshop. Regina, SK, November 2004.

Milburn, M.P. 2004, Indigenous nutrition: using traditional food knowledge to solve contemporary health problems. The American Indian Quarterly, 28 (3-4): 411-434.

Walsh, T.M., Stewart, .H., McLaughlin, E., and Comeau, N. 2004, Gender differences in Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) dimensions. Anxiety Disorders, 18: 695-706.